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Endowments & Giving

While many colleges struggle, others have accumulated great wealth. See which ones have the largest endowments and take in the biggest gifts, and who those colleges’ most-generous benefactors are.

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Thirty-two private gifts valued at $50 million or more were announced by colleges in the United States and abroad from July 1, 2018, to June 30, 2019.
Primarily because of one pledge, the media and entertainment industry led among the top sources of wealth for donors of large gifts last year.
Thirteen institutions had endowments valued at $10 billion or more, compared with 10 the previous year.
The average one-year return on college endowments in the 2018 fiscal year was 8.2 percent.
More than 60 percent of the value of gifts made in the 2018 fiscal year went to colleges with endowments worth more than $5 billion.
Of the $46.7 billion in voluntary support received by colleges in the 2018 fiscal year, the largest portion came from foundations.
Four campuses of the University of California were among the top 20 public institutions for the amount raised.