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Tracking Higher Ed’s Pandemic Aid

How colleges spent billions in federal relief.

Collage of visual details from a $100 bill and a university building.
Mark Harris for The Chronicle, Getty Images

The Chronicle analyzed how public and private nonprofit colleges used their share of $76 billion in relief money from the federal government.

'A Critical Lifeline'
The distribution of pandemic-relief funds highlights the structure and priorities of academe, according to an analysis by The Chronicle.
By Jacquelyn Elias May 30, 2023
More than $76 billion in federal aid during the Covid-19 pandemic helped keep many colleges afloat. But which institutions relied on these funds the most?
The Chronicle analyzed the nearly $13-billion decline in colleges’ revenues in 2021.
A Chronicle analysis of institutions’ discretionary funds found that, for many of them, clearing student balances was a priority.
A version of this package appeared in the July 7, 2023 issue.