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How Do I Become an Administrator


We offer here a mix of essays from The Chronicle’s Advice columns (often focused on trends in academic work and life) and from Vitae (focused on practical, how-to advice for early-career academics and administrators). Now in its fourth year, with more than 840,000 members at more than 4,000 institutions, Vitae continues to offer free career-management tools and the best job openings. Last year The Chronicle debuted Vitae Recruiter, a new search tool designed to help employers find the best candidates for administrative, faculty, and staff positions in higher education. To read more — and to experience Vitae — please visit To find out more about Vitae Recruiter, please visit

Career Confidential
Are you prepared for the types, scale, and severity of management challenges?
Heads Up
For some of us, administrative work is not just an obligation or a noble sacrifice — it’s a calling.
What to do when your third-year review leaves you on shaky ground.
First Person
By Jennifer Burek Pierce
At a time when things seem so strained in academe, it’s important to remember the good we can do.
The Two-Year Track
A good midlevel manager can make all the difference in determining whether faculty life is satisfying or unbearable.
First Person
By Rachel Herrmann
Graduate school is an exercise in people not telling you things.
The Graduate Adviser
And how to supervise the faculty member writing it.
First Person
By Scott T. Gibson
For too long, the U.S. academic job market has compelled us to see our careers in black and white.
Career Confidential
What will you be expected to publish from your dissertation?