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The Almanac of Higher Education 2019-20

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Numbers paint a portrait of higher education’s strengths and weaknesses: how well and equitably colleges serve students, what they contribute to the economy, and how committed they are to tenure and academic freedom. This year’s Almanac gives special attention to certain colleges’ strategies for rapid growth and the reasons for declining enrollment among African-American students.

To purchase a print copy or downloadable interactive PDF of the Almanac, visit the Chronicle Store.

Our annual Almanac issue covers who is being taught at college, where, by whom, at what costs.
Our data tell you how much everyone from the service staff to the best-paid chief executives earn, and describe the various paths to the presidency.
See what fueled enrollment increases at some colleges, what freshmen think, how much graduates owe and earn, and the impact of online education.
Learn which colleges have the most diverse student bodies and faculties, and how well colleges serve students in traditionally underrepresented groups.
Here are the numbers you need to help you understand why some colleges thrive financially while others falter.
Use our interactive table to discover how your state distinguishes itself on measures like faculty pay, enrollment, tuition, and graduation rates.
Search more than two dozen interactive tables to see how well your college is doing relative to its peers on measures like diversity and graduation rates.