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The Conference Circuit

 Conference Circuit - Package

As the season of scholarly conferences gets under way, here is a sampling of our previous Advice columns to help you prepare and get the most out of your meeting.

First Person
By Larry Cebula
In which I sit through a conference panel and do not obtain enlightenment.
Academic Assets
By Professor Pennywise
Academic conference travel warrants a good credit card.
Why is the keynote speech such a train wreck at most academic conferences?
Career Confidential
Balance careful preparation for an initial Q&A with a willingness to abandon those plans and wing it.
By Female Science Professor
Many scientists have strong preferences about whether to give a talk or present a poster.
By Noah Berlatsky
Presenters should have the right to ask people not to live-tweet, and shouldn’t have to explain their reasons.
First Person
By Keith Wain
We really don’t need another vague list of URLs and book titles from your conference panel.
First Person
By Greg Britton
In an online marketplace, don’t overlook the old-fashioned book exhibit.
First Person
By David Brooks
How can graduate students make the most of a conference book fair?
First Person
By C.P. Williams
Conferences give the opportunity for romantic deception, and conferences take it away.
By Laura Mercer
Given a chance to explore an old passion, an assistant professor learns the rules and realities of a conference romance On a beautiful spring day several years ago, the e-mail message came. I should have expected it, but it still knocked me for a loop. It said, in part, “I really think we should…