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The Election Issue

6310-Election Issue

W ith the finish line in sight for the presidential campaign of 2016, we decided to devote our pages to essays that examine and challenge the way we think about politics, democracy, and the American electorate. Why do voters make the choices that they do? How could political scientists have failed to foresee this year’s tectonic political shifts? And what aftershocks can we expect in the wake of Donald Trump? We tackle these and other questions in this special issue of The Chronicle Review.

The Review
Sinister forces have shaped the lies and memes of the alt-right.
The Review
By Yascha Mounk
The field failed to foresee 2016’s electoral chaos.
The Review
By Lee Drutman
It’s time to stop pretending that there’s such a thing as a rational voter.
The Review
By Ian Ward
We have obligations as citizens. What are our obligations as neighbors?
The Review
By Richard Wolin
Studies by WWII-era social scientists provide a starting point for explaining Trump’s appeal.
The Review
By David Haven Blake
How an absurdist ’60s fable augured our made-for-TV electoral dystopia.
The Review
By Christina M. Greer
Navigating class discussions during a chaotic election season.