The Far Right Comes to Campus

White supremacists, members of the far right, and various other extremist figures have made a point of staging provocations on college campuses across the country. In doing so, they thrust institutions into political discord — and, in some cases, violence.
What can college leaders do? Most officials say it’s not their role to block speech, but keeping their campuses free from violence and hatred is a paramount concern. Here is a collection of Chronicle articles documenting the challenges posed by the far right’s growing presence on campus.
Campus Safety
The “seeming paralysis of police” at a Friday-night march in August on the campus “undoubtedly encouraged” violence at a rally that turned deadly the following day, a report concludes.
Campus Speech
Top academic and student-affairs officials who have handled appearances by Milo Yiannopoulos and others shared lessons at a meeting held by the Council of Independent Colleges.
With the prominent white supremacist arriving on the campus on Thursday, people there are feeling particularly nervous.
The university has a rule against open flames on campus. A Virginia law forbids using fire to intimidate. Neither was enforced.
From the Archives
How much will one traumatic weekend change the university? Many of the students, professors, and officials who are trying to answer that question are doing so by looking to the past.
Violence in Virginia
Seeking the safest course, administrators hoped that professors, students, and alumni would steer clear of the white nationalists’ march. But some felt duty-bound to confront what they saw as evil.
Preston Wiginton doesn’t have an especially strong connection to the university: He dropped out after taking classes for a year. But he’s made it his mission to force extreme racial politics upon College Station.
Institutions face smoldering tensions in the wake of the deadly rioting in Charlottesville, Va.
If Tyler Magill’s condition is linked to the violence at a Friday march, it could raise further questions about the university’s approach to securing its campus.
Reckoning With History
President Trump tried redirecting a national conversation about white supremacists to a debate over a statue of Robert E. Lee in Charlottesville, Va. That memorial has connections to UVa.
Reckoning With History
As the University of Virginia grappled with the issue of white supremacists who stormed the campus this past weekend, administrators faced another problem: their institution’s historical ties to the Ku Klux Klan.
Professors and activists say university officials failed to spot indications of a melee in the making, leaving students vulnerable.
Texas A&M University canceled an outsider’s planned “White Lives Matter” event as experts warned colleges to be prepared for violence like what occurred this past weekend in Virginia.
After internet sleuths identified some participants in a white-nationalist rally as students, calls poured in for their colleges to expel them or take other disciplinary action. Colleges’ options, however, are limited.
The Chronicle Review
As the hate on display in Charlottesville made clear, scholarly practices and virtues cannot impart comprehensive visions of the good. They are, however, essential in another way.
The Chronicle Review
Don’t remove problematic statues, like that of Robert E. Lee in Charlottesville. Challenge them, in the service of history.
“Violence was no longer hypothetical,” Teresa Sullivan says as she recounts the events of Friday night, when a large throng of white-supremacist protesters pushed through UVa’s campus.
The chaos in Charlottesville, Va., this weekend added a dangerous element to what was already expected to be a contentious climate when students return to college this fall.
Campus Speech
The Southern Poverty Law Center lays out some strategies for student activists who want to oppose speakers with racist views but avoid a spectacle on their campuses.
Hate on Campus
The University of Maryland student who was charged with fatally stabbing Richard Collins III last week followed a far-right, racist Facebook page. But when it comes to speech and expression, there are limits on what officials can do.
In 2017 two universities got unwelcome visits from a prominent white supremacist as a result of policies that let outsiders stage events on campus.
Ana Mari Cauce, president of the University of Washington, faced criticism after declining to block Milo Yiannopoulos from her campus. She talks to The Chronicle about free speech, tolerance, and student safety.
The Chronicle Interview
George Ciccariello-Maher, the Drexel University professor who caused a furor by tweeting “All I Want for Christmas is White Genocide,” says academe must brace for the fight of its life.
Campus Speech
Richard Spencer brought his defense of the alt-right movement to the Alabama institution on Tuesday, against the wishes of university leaders.