Erik Gilbert is a professor of history at Arkansas State University. He blogs at
Stories by This Author
The Review
How online-course contractors exploit vulnerable institutions.
The Review
Academic champions of such plans will benefit from them. But will students?
The Review
A tale of assessment, learning styles, and other notorious concepts.
The Review
The armies of consultants, software vendors, journals, foundations, institutes, and organizations are operating on a false premise.
The Review
A recent journal report says that measuring learning outcomes is not working — and that this is no surprise to assessors.
The Review
The wildly popular program lets high-school students earn college credits cheaply and easily. But it’s not available to all students equally.
People who fear the prospect of legal, concealed weapons on campuses are being just as irrational as those who refuse to leave the house unarmed.
The Review
Accreditors who are driving the push toward measuring outcomes need to provide evidence that it offers benefits commensurate with the expense that goes into it.