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Sarah Hebel CHE

Sara Hebel

Assistant Managing Editor (former)
The Chronicle of Higher Education

As assistant managing editor at The Chronicle of Higher Education, Sara Hebel oversaw a team of editors and reporters who covered broad trends in higher education, including the changes, problems, and questions that confront colleges and the people who grapple with them.

Hebel worked as a reporter and editor at The Chronicle beginning in 1999. She served as editor of the Profession section from 2011 to 2014, directing coverage of administrators, faculty, and graduate students. From 2007 to 2011, she was politics editor, managing coverage of the Bush and Obama administrations, Congress, and state governments. As a reporter, from 1999 to 2007, she wrote about state and federal policy debates and public-university governance and finance.

Before coming to The Chronicle, Hebel covered Congress and national politics for Legi-Slate, an online news service affiliated with the Washington Post Co. She earned bachelor’s and master’s degrees in journalism from Northwestern University.

Stories by This Author

By Sara Hebel, Brock Read March 18, 2018
The University of Maryland-Baltimore County made basketball history — and earned a chance to talk itself up to the nation. At least in the short term, it could see broader benefits.
The Ticker
By Sara Hebel October 7, 2017
Taylor & Francis, the publisher of the journal Third World Quarterly, withdrew the controversial piece at the request of the editor and in agreement with the author.
On Leadership
By Sara Hebel February 3, 2016
Public universities should deepen their engagement with their communities and make those partnerships part of their core academic missions, says Robert J. Jones, president of the University at Albany.
On Leadership
By Sara Hebel September 28, 2015
For the first time, Chatham University is enrolling men in its undergraduate programs. President Esther L. Barazzone talks about how the Pittsburgh institution is staying true to its values.
On Leadership
By Sara Hebel July 28, 2015
Seton Hall University’s A. Gabriel Esteban talks about how he furthers new strategies while seeking to shift the institution’s direction.
On Leadership
By Sara Hebel June 26, 2015
Timothy M. Wolfe of the University of Missouri system says higher ed needs to do a better job of defending itself when its budget comes under attack.
On Leadership
By Sara Hebel February 16, 2015
President Tuajuanda Jordan’s priorities include stabilizing finances and enrollments at St. Mary’s College of Maryland after it missed its targets by significant margins.
By Sara Hebel August 18, 2014
Colleges navigated a time of transition over the past year in whom they employ and how those employees work.
On Leadership
By Sara Hebel April 10, 2014
Kim A. Wilcox, chancellor of the University of California at Riverside, talked to The Chronicle about what works for improving student success.
On Leadership
By Sara Hebel April 1, 2014
Santa J. Ono, president of the University of Cincinnati, talked with The Chronicle about how being genuine on Twitter can bolster a leader’s reputation and the university’s, too. Watch the interview here.