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Posts from The Ticker

By Liam Adams October 27, 2017
The proposal, the second to be rejected, would have covered how the Standing Rock Tribe, which led the protests, was discussed on social media.
By Andy Thomason October 26, 2017
A university spokesman said the move to take action against Jaren Stewart began before he started protesting in solidarity with athletes who kneel during the playing of the national anthem.
By Sam Hoisington October 25, 2017
An administrator killed himself after two colleagues complained about his actions on a boozy work trip. His widow says the college is complicit in his death.
By Andy Thomason October 25, 2017
The police said the “altercation” ended with gunfire in campus courtyard. The shooter fled the scene.
By Fernanda Zamudio-Suarez October 24, 2017
The 81-year-old private institution expects to remain open through May 2020 on a teach-out plan.
By Liam Adams October 24, 2017
Eddie Curlin, who is 29, has been charged with three acts of ugly graffiti at the university since the fall of 2016.
By Sam Hoisington October 20, 2017
A viral exchange about a failing grade, though fake, made us curious about faculty members’ oddest or most exceptional stories about grading assignments.
By Andy Thomason October 19, 2017
The Kent State University chapter of Turning Point USA mocked the concept of campus sanctuaries in a protest on Wednesday.
By Chris Quintana, Beckie Supiano October 19, 2017
The student was using a teaching method that aims to give a greater voice to marginalized students by calling on them more frequently than others.
By Liam Adams October 17, 2017
The police say that Sean Urbanski, who was a member of a far-right Facebook group, stabbed Richard Collins III, a newly commissioned U.S. Army lieutenant, in May after he refused to move from the sidewalk.
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