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Great Colleges to Work For 2015

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If you work in academe these days, chances are you’re feeling pressured to do more with less -- less time, less money, less respect. On many campuses, turbulent financial conditions, tougher public scrutiny, and increased government regulations have become the new normal. This special issue looks at how administrators, professors, and staff members are adapting. It also features results of The Chronicle’s eighth annual Great Colleges to Work For survey, based on responses from nearly 44,000 campus employees. The survey found that at colleges recognized for a strong workplace culture, employees were more likely to feel acknowledged, supported, well informed by their leaders, and engaged in a common mission.

By Eileen Filliben Edmunds, Richard K. Boyer
The institutions that stood out in this year’s survey excelled in four areas: leadership, communication, alignment, and respect.
The Academic Workplace
Enrollment competition, increased oversight, growing use of assessments, and tighter budgets weigh heavily on higher-education managers.
The Academic Workplace
Members of the University of South Florida’s history department are finding new ways to get their jobs done after budget cuts.
The Academic Workplace
Administrators must find ways to follow government rules without reducing counseling time with students.
The Academic Workplace
In an era when people are increasingly “lawyering up,” campus legal officials strive to keep minor disagreements from escalating into major courtroom battles.
By Christopher P. Loss
It’s useful to remember that faculty work has always been challenging, that student indifference is not new, and that teaching and research have always existed in tension.
The Academic Workplace
By Rena Seltzer
Drowning in commitments, female professors who want a balanced life need to practice ways of avoiding yet more.
The Academic Workplace
It’s nothing personal, just that search-committee members have too much to do and too few hands to do it.
In our eighth annual survey, 86 colleges were recognized. Explore the sortable results to see if yours made the list.