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Many educators object to a new law that requires them to prevent the radicalization of students. But one scholar argues they’ve long ignored the problem.
Academics at Risk
Not since World War II have so many academics fled persecution.
The changes could lead to new ties with American universities, but observers say Iranian higher education still faces tough restrictions.
Critics of the European Union-backed effort, called U-Multirank, say it is undermined by a lack of reliable data.
Experts say they can’t pinpoint a cause for the decline, but the timing suggests that tougher immigration policies may be making England seem less friendly to foreign students.
If Scotland leaves the United Kingdom, its policies on research and tuition could be challenged.
In Britain, applicants for government support, required to demonstrate
the benefits of their work, say the measures are too narrowly defined.
Controversial guidance from Universities UK has triggered a new round of debate in Britain on balancing freedom of speech with religious sensitivities.
But their role is not a particularly new one in the history of American academe, according to panelists at a discussion on Friday at New York University.
The problem has “invaded whole systems” around the world, and is even a problem in Europe and North America, says a new report.