For promising students at one low-income high school, the road to college is marked by hope, frustration, and limited choices.
From the Archives
For administrators seeking faculty support for a major change, there are no simple tricks; rather, it takes long-term relationship building and canny strategy, say veterans of the process.
A sociologist at the University of Louisville describes what colleges need to do to graduate more black males.
College leaders talk about how they have succeeded in bringing faculty on board for new projects — and how they have failed.
Chris McGoff, one of the founders of the Clearing, a management-consultant company, says his decades of experience have taught him that the various ways in which people approach a new idea — or resist it — are consistent across all types of organizations, including academe.
Activists’ work to uphold women’s rights permeates college life and blends with other social-progress advocacy, an author finds.
An administrator with experience in starting up student-success programs shares her tips.
One of the best lessons on leadership, says a college president, is found in King Lear.
The Review
Academics can recapture the trust of the public — but only if they are willing to write for it.
The Review
How tragic that she died inconveniently right in the middle of Finals Week.
Forty-five academics and an independent scholar were chosen as 2017-18 fellows at Harvard’s Radcliffe Institute.
Topics include the admissions struggles of an urban university in a high-rise and advice on the process of doing academic writing.
Chronicle List
The largest gift on the list was for unrestricted use, but the others were devoted to specific purposes, like the teaching of entrepreneurship.
The Education Department says it will renegotiate both the gainful-employment rule and the borrower “defense to repayment” rule. It’s a victory for for-profit colleges, but the rules have other critics, too.
Drew Gilpin Faust, the university’s first female president, challenged Harvard to confront its elitist traditions and a dark chapter of its history.
Questions reverberate for other universities after the chancellor, athletics director, and head football coach at Boulder were punished for failing to take their reporting responsibilities far enough.
The corporate response to a production of the play in which the assassinated ruler resembles President Trump has scholars thinking that studying the arts is more important than ever.
The Review
Search firms do, if it means more business for them. And the presidents themselves can, via lucrative termination clauses in their contracts. But colleges have much to lose.
For months Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying had worried that Evergreen State College was spiraling out of control. When Tucker Carlson’s producer came calling, they were “horrified” by the decision they faced.
The Review
When student protesters seek to silence voices they disagree with, everyone’s freedom of speech is at stake — including their own.
The Review
Which profs end up where is pretty damn arbitrary.
The Review
The Notre Dame commencement protest against Vice President Mike Pence was a model of campus resistance.
The Chronicle Review
How far should universities go to acknowledge their complicity with slavery?
The Review
Condemning “cultural appropriation” in all forms has dangerous consequences.
What has to happen before you are invited to a first-round interview for an academic-leadership position.