New presidents were named at Virginia Union University and St. Francis College, and new chief academic officers at Guilford College and Misericordia University.
The Review
Fines for Clery Act violations now stand at more than $54,000 per infraction. Two experts on compliance issues for colleges share tips on how to avoid that penalty.
The Review
While kissing the ring might help one’s career, it hasn’t been a general job requirement in academic life — until now.
Despite the economic advantages, men shun certain health-care fields that have traditionally been associated with women.
Chronicle List
Four Ivy League institutions were among the top 10 for highest library spending.
From the Archives
How much will one traumatic weekend change the university? Many of the students, professors, and officials who are trying to answer that question are doing so by looking to the past.
A different type of orientation is needed for those who are older and have more family responsibilities.
The University of Oregon tries to get moms and dads to talk with their kids about tough issues.
Colleges try to ensure that crucial lessons on sex assault, racial diversity, and other issues take hold.
Recent events have inspired faculty members not only to talk about race in class but also to show students how to respond to hate groups.
Institutions face smoldering tensions in the wake of the deadly rioting in Charlottesville, Va.
The Chronicle Review
Professors should be wary of unconsciously endorsing white victimhood.
The Chronicle Interview
Newly retired as Purdue University’s enrollment chief, Pamela Horne reflects on the importance of explaining all that data — and the value of college.
Town and Gown
The University of the Ozarks is offering bonuses to employees who buy homes in Clarksville, Ark. The benefit is one of several initiatives colleges are deploying to try to develop their local communities.
The Chronicle Review
Don’t remove problematic statues, like that of Robert E. Lee in Charlottesville. Challenge them, in the service of history.
The Chronicle Review
As the hate on display in Charlottesville made clear, scholarly practices and virtues cannot impart comprehensive visions of the good. They are, however, essential in another way.
The Review
The prominent 94-year-old sociologist reflects on campus activism, affirmative action, free speech, the literary sphere, and how he views his own career.
The financial burden of defending against allegations that a college mishandled a sexual-misconduct case can be significant, a new analysis finds.
A University of Georgia professor’s offer to change students’ grades upon request raises intriguing questions.
The Chronicle Review
Two students accused Michael Bonesteel of being insensitive, unsupportive, and even violent. Did the art professor get what he deserved — or were the students out to get him?
The wealthiest athletic conferences and some of their members have taken steps to bar players who commit sexual misconduct or other forms of violence. Advocates wonder if the bans will work in practice.
Some come from cultures that see mental illness as weakness or fiction. When the stress of being in college alone and far from home becomes too great, it’s sometimes the job of advisers to teach them that the disorders — and the dangers — are real.
The once-exclusive organizations have struggled to attract young faculty members. But now, with many professors craving more collegiality, officials at Ohio State and elsewhere see a chance for revival.
The University of Florida chose W. Kent Fuchs as its new president in 2014 only five days after he formally applied, but talks with individual members of the search team had started earlier.
From the Archives
For years university researchers have complained that the publishing giant has driven up the costs of journals. Now, as data-sharing becomes more valuable, the company’s shifting focus is raising new concerns.
As colleges tailor residences to the needs of first-year students, architects find that what works best isn’t what students say they want.
Tenure denials can spark sadness and anger, but also reinvention.
A faculty debate over how to record course grades at Eastern Washington University played out largely along disciplinary lines.
Many colleges’ administrations shrug off being censured by the American Association of University Professors, confident they won’t pay much of a price.
The Review
Democracy can’t function if we don’t inhabit a common space where we can listen to one another.