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Oct. 27, 2017
The Chronicle of Higher Education
Volume 64, Issue 9
Black colleges need someone to carry their banner. This pastor’s son is stepping up.
By Michael Anft
Critical-thinking skills and a broad education aren’t enough. Small colleges are making career services, too, a priority.
By Michael Anft
A small network has grown more than tenfold in 20 years as private liberal-arts colleges have decided their responsibilities don’t end at graduation.
The Review
By Justin Pope
Go for it, says one administrator who’s been through the experience, but only if you can respond with a confident “yes” to four questions.
By Michael Anft
The director of Wake Forest University’s Office of Career and Professional Development shares tips about what’s helped his program become a model for other colleges.
By Lou Reinisch
A book that questions assumptions prompts an interim provost to examine some of the blindly-followed “rules” in academe.
Morehouse College chose a Harvard Business School professor as its next leader, and Pratt Institute appointed its first female president.
A new book examines the ways in which colleges guide some students toward failure.
The latest topics include how to protect free speech on campus.
Descriptions of the latest titles, divided by category.
By recording on video her initial reaction to students’ assignments, this professor lets them see what an intellectual process looks like.
The Review
Ideas for improving academic culture abound, but too many die on the vine. Universities can change that.
The Review
By Marta Figlerowicz, Ayesha Ramachandran
The buggy unfamiliarity of the new technology helped students see older media with fresh eyes.
Chronicle List
By Chronicle Staff
A $200-million gift to the University of California at Irvine will support a stronger focus on interdisciplinary integrative health.
By using their imaginations, says the University of Rochester historian, students absorb history far better than from a textbook.
At North Carolina Central University, he uses cellphones and Snapchat to prove that research isn’t too complex for anyone.
His courses introduce engineering students to adults with disabilities, and together they make films about the adults’ lives.
The religious-studies scholar at the University of Pennsylvania oversees a course that requires students to live like monks.
The Review
By Nicole Matos
Developmental instructors need to make room for students’ feelings.
The professor emphasizes that intellectual growth is based “on error recovery, not mistake avoidance.”
The inspiration for his popular, interactive courses stems from his frustration with the traditional lecture format.
She requires students to identify their course goals for the semester, the grade they expect to earn, and their plan for achieving both.
She puts the focus on online material that allows students to progress at their own pace but doesn’t let them get ahead of themselves.
The professor at Columbia College, in South Carolina, tells his students that “we’re here to build bridges in your brain.”
By Cathy N. Davidson
We need to teach creativity, collaboration, and adaptability.
You should know the details, captured on video, of how Timothy Piazza died at Penn State, says Caitlin Flanagan. Then maybe colleges would reconsider their relationship with fraternities.
Admissions Technology
Colleges are spending millions on the ads. Data from admissions applications are one of their secret weapons. Privacy experts are crying foul.
By Peggy O’Donnell
Believing gendered hierarchy should not exist in the world that we want does not mean that gendered hierarchy does not exist in the world that we have.
By Suhauna Hussain
Campus police departments’ use of confidential informants is shrouded in secrecy. The Chronicle obtained records detailing the practice at 100 campuses. Here’s what we found.
A national program seeks to prepare the faculty members of tomorrow. About half of the recent participants at Duke University have become professors, for reasons that reflect personal choice, social forces, and quirks of fate.
The accusations against the Hollywood producer have prompted frank conversations about sexual misconduct. But it will still take a lot to shift how higher education treats such cases, experts say.
Drexel University removed George Ciccariello-Maher from the classroom after he made controversial remarks. His students say they’re frustrated by the decision.
By Julia Martinez
A new survey on free-speech attitudes and expression on campuses came up with some interesting findings.
By Sam Hoisington
Four instructors spoke to The Chronicle about their experience cheating as students, and how it informs the way they handle academic misconduct.
Campus Safety
By Liam Adams
Some institutions flinch at the notion of emphasizing consent, for example, given that students aren’t supposed to be having sex in the first place.